NABS is Dedicated to Fighting Cruel And Inhumane Euthanasia

'HUMANE EUTHANASIA' --by Pam Cundiff
Mass gassings were a solution to save money for the city/county. Employees cram as many animals as possible into one cage to be gassed at once to be 'efficient'.
When it's 'Spot's" turn to take the 'walk of death', Spot knows he's going someplace ghastly. He has to be dragged by a leash every step of the way. His nose smells death and fear. Now he's packed in with the rest of his cellmates. The door closes, locking Spot and the other dogs into a chaotic darkness of fear.
The chemical fog begins to hiss and spew. Spot feels his body shaking. He instinctively claws and bites to find a way out, to escape this horrible place. His final pleas for mercy morph with the voices of all the others into a harmony of gut wrenching terror. Spot becomes disoriented by the stench of poison he is forced to breathe. He and the others can't flee, so they fight viciously, inflicting misery on top of misery. The human 'guards' can't stomach all the agonizing guttural sounds coming from 'the chamber'. They leave to shut the sounds out of their own minds.
Then seizures, vomiting, and defecating begin. Horror is not an adequate definition for what is happening to all the dogs inside 'the chamber'. Spot's mind is alive and aware of what is happening to him for 30 agonizing minutes. Then his torment ends.
If they are man's best friend, who are we? What has happened to us?
'HUMANE EUTHANASIA' --by Pam Cundiff
Mass gassings were a solution to save money for the city/county. Employees cram as many animals as possible into one cage to be gassed at once to be 'efficient'.
When it's 'Spot's" turn to take the 'walk of death', Spot knows he's going someplace ghastly. He has to be dragged by a leash every step of the way. His nose smells death and fear. Now he's packed in with the rest of his cellmates. The door closes, locking Spot and the other dogs into a chaotic darkness of fear.
The chemical fog begins to hiss and spew. Spot feels his body shaking. He instinctively claws and bites to find a way out, to escape this horrible place. His final pleas for mercy morph with the voices of all the others into a harmony of gut wrenching terror. Spot becomes disoriented by the stench of poison he is forced to breathe. He and the others can't flee, so they fight viciously, inflicting misery on top of misery. The human 'guards' can't stomach all the agonizing guttural sounds coming from 'the chamber'. They leave to shut the sounds out of their own minds.
Then seizures, vomiting, and defecating begin. Horror is not an adequate definition for what is happening to all the dogs inside 'the chamber'. Spot's mind is alive and aware of what is happening to him for 30 agonizing minutes. Then his torment ends.
If they are man's best friend, who are we? What has happened to us?
Read Barron's story here - "Do Dogs Go to Heaven?"
NABS saves as many lives as they can financially afford to save. N.A.B.S. works because of people like YOU who donate to help STOP SPOT'S SUFFERING! Thanks to the many volunteers and donations, Together WE CAN make a difference.
We would like to dedicate this page to a few of the precious rescues who would have died in kill shelters from the most inhumane deaths: gas chambers and 'heart stick method'. Please click to go to a page to help NABS save those still be waiting to be rescued from these and other kinds of kill shelters.
The following dogs have been saved by NABS' family of friends, volunteers, and contributors:
We would like to dedicate this page to a few of the precious rescues who would have died in kill shelters from the most inhumane deaths: gas chambers and 'heart stick method'. Please click to go to a page to help NABS save those still be waiting to be rescued from these and other kinds of kill shelters.
The following dogs have been saved by NABS' family of friends, volunteers, and contributors: